There is one thing that many start-up breweries and wannabe brewers simply do not get.

The actual size of your brew house is not the determining factor, but actually how you operate the system you have.

Careful planning and management of the process can make immense differences in how much you can produce.

Over-sizing your HLT or adding an in-line water heater results in less waiting time.

Combine that with an under-back or dedicated whirlpool vessel and you can increase your production from 1 or 2 batches per day to 3 or 4 batches per day.

For roughly 30% to 50% extra investment in equipment you can increase your output volumes 300%
(That is assuming you can sell all of the beer…)

To get your thoughts going, have a look at the following sites for some inspiration:
Portland Kettleworks
Ss brewtech